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Treatment of termites is a critical task. Unfortunately, there are many different ways to treat termites, so you need to know about the most effective methods for your particular termite infestation and damage in your house. This article will also explain why DIY termite treatments usually don’t work and why termite control services are great in the long run.

Termite baiting systems

There are many termite baiting systems available, depending on your geographical location, the size of your family, and also the severity of your termite problem. One popular method of pest extermination is with baits. These baits can come in the form of sticky traps or liquid pesticides. Be sure to do your homework on which product would be best for your particular situation. Also, keep in mind that liquid pesticides tend to stay in the soil longer and could potentially poison your veggies or kill your pets if they accidentally ingest them.

Termite control suppliers offer many different bait stations to try, or you can go it alone and make your own. If you are skilled at DIY, then by all means, do it. In the long run, it may be less expensive and save you a lot of time in comparison to taking professional termite control services to maintain bait stations.

Which type of bait?

Several things work as bait for termites. Wood, paper, cardboard, cotton, grass clippings, paper towels, pasta, etc., are just some of them. First, try and think of any possible termite infestation areas in your property. Termites like wooded areas, hillsides, mounds, and coastal areas. Termite experts often check and treat timber fixtures suspected to be infested by termites.

Once you have identified some potential areas of infestation, dig up around two feet of the soil around your structure and pour a bit of wood-worm bait into the hole every couple of days. Woodworm bait attracts termites, so it is an effective and economical method of termite control. Another effective way to protect your home from termite infestation is to invest in a quality termite baiting system.


The chemicals used for termite control are called termiticides. These chemicals are commonly made from fumigants. Termiticides are widely used for killing termites because they are more effective than many other termite control methods.

Subterranean termites

Subterranean termite infestations can occur below the ground. Dark, damp environments characterize them, and their preferred food is cellulose. They are often found under mounds of wet leaves, sticks, stumps, logs, tree bark, or grass. They can also be found in crawlspaces, basements, attics, and in houses built above ground.

Flying ants

Termite control becomes very difficult when dealing with flying ants. This termite species is most active in summer when they come out of their tunnels to find moisture and food sources. They can cause tremendous damage to structures because of their size and ability to move around. As a result, they can also affect houses, buildings, roads, bridges, and trees.

Are termite treatments safe?

Termite baiting systems do what you imagine. Their function is to kill termites with a concentrated spray. But unlike other, less conventional types of extermination and pest control methods, termite baiting systems are cleverly devised to work with termite behavior. This is why termite baiting is one of the most cost-effective and successful types of pest control.

  • The main reason that termite baiting systems are less expensive than other termite treatments is that it allows us to apply the treatments around the perimeter of our house and yard without having to dig too deeply into the ground. While this method does allow us to protect smaller areas of our property, we may have to forgo termite baits in larger areas. This is because termite baits do require digging, which can be labor-intensive. This is also a much more significant investment than having a termite trap installed.
  • The second reason that termite baiting systems are less expensive than other forms of termite control is that it allows us to monitor our treatment more thoroughly. Using this monitoring method, which uses the PVCA Panel 5F8fa76 Improved Panel Connectivity Detector, we can determine the effectiveness of our termite baiting systems much more easily. This is important, especially if you want to make sure that you are completely covering your entire property with a protective layer of chemicals so that no part of your property is overlooked.

How to use termite barriers to keep termites away from your home

Termite barriers are specifically designed to keep termites away from your property by utilizing chemicals to kill termite colonies or deter termite entry points. Some termite barriers are already installed during the construction phase, while others are applied post-construction. Either way, the purpose is the same. The termite barrier will physically keep termites away from your house and property, especially from entering structures built around the house or within its perimeter. In addition, termites will have difficulty penetrating a termite barrier if one exists at all.

There are two common types of termite barriers, which are placed beneath the soil or within it. The most popular type of chemical barrier is the trench line barrier, which is placed beneath the soil and trenches around the house. The trench line acts as a physical barrier to termite entry and a monitoring device for determining how much termite control is being performed. Another type of chemical barrier is the liquid barrier, which is placed beneath and around the property’s soil. This liquid barrier is effective because it contains pesticides released into the ground and then absorbed by the soil, killing any termite that comes in contact with it.

Bottom line

Many pest control companies can offer you termite inspections. However, make sure you do some research before you choose the company for your next repair. You need a company with the expertise and knowledge to handle any wood-worm infestation, including subterranean termites. A good pest control company will also know the best products to use to treat your house and property. Call Jim’s today.

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